This Parent Thing Is Weighty!
Do you as a parent ever just feel the heaviness? It is not something I am use to yet and now to think of it I am not sure getting 'use to' that weight would be a good thing. I look at pictures on my phone or on our photostream of G only to be re-engaged with the gravity of undertaking. This deal matters. My time matters. My choices matter. G matters. Simple choices only become complex due to the variables we allow in. The choice would not be difficult if I didn't add the … [Read more...]
Declaring War On Being A Miserable Man
I am so tired of being worried. I have these moments of clarity. Then when I am just on the brink of something big I back off. Held back by all I can describe as responsibilities. What will I do with the rent houses? What about making enough money? What if in my massive course correction I found a legitimate big problem? Then I read and watch stories of people that are actually hurting. Real pain. Sick children. Sick adults. Hurt. Real Hurt. My current hurt … [Read more...]
5-5-5 Monday December 7th
The Weight of Parenting a Hopeful Heavenite
I'm reading the book, Revolution of Character, and today it talked about how the reason so many people end up confused spiritually is because they never had a clear understanding or image of God. The weight that @alyptaylor and I carry and are so desperate to succeed at is making sure G has a correct view of God and his love, sacrifice, forgiveness, grace that she can't help but be in love with him from her earliest understanding of him. Some weights hold you back but some drive you toward a … [Read more...]
Abnormal Better Be Your Goal or You Have Failed.
Crazy short blog post that I will at some point revisit. The moment you find yourself doing enough spiritually you are in a bad spot. Enough doesn't enter your brain in the pursuit of things you truly care about. Enough isn't enough. It simply doesn't exist when it comes to your relationship with Christ. … [Read more...]
Tractors | Prayers | People
I spent a day on the tractor and came away changed. As the day began I asked God for three things. Please show me something about my faith, my marriage and my daughter. At times we make it so much more confusing than it has be. Simply ask God. I have struggled lately to be still. My soul has paid the price. I have not been purposefully encouraging with what I say to Aly. We have had an interesting few weeks of marriage. I have not been disciplined with making sure to pray … [Read more...]
Truth Spoken In Love Is Life!
"Well, honestly Josh for me I came away from the meeting that day and truly thought something was wrong or that you had a bad day. I almost got the sense you weren't really behind the event." And there it was. Somebody I trust, love and value their opinion had unknowingly confirmed what I feared. I had let my selfish desire to be a part of the team turn into a perceived lack of care for the very thing I cared deeply about. How at 30 am I still having to deal with this? I thought I … [Read more...]
Revolution of Character – Chapter 1 – Part 1
My brother Lee gave me a book yesterday when I went by his office. Last night for some reason I couldn't sleep. I decided to go in the study and read. Hoping it would put me to sleep. I couldn't put the book down. Chapter one was finished and by the end I had started a new journal and completely marked up the first chapter of this book with notes. I am not going to recount every chapter or every point but chances are as I promised you will get a front row seat to God's work in my … [Read more...]
I Have To Hate You First
I can't just be mean. I have to make you not matter first in order to be cool with what I am about to do. I was just watching this video from Jefferson Bethke on youtube. He brought up something so profound. Think back to all of the famous times where people were oppressed or hurt. Most likely you will find that before or in order to be able to hurt that person or people group they had to be de-humanized. Think about it. When you are going to do something wrong to someone you have to … [Read more...]